What’s new in Swift 5.3

Sangeeta Joshi
4 min readSep 15, 2020

Multiple Trailing Closures

Since its inception, Swift has supported trailing closure syntax: a bit of syntactic sugar that lets you “pop” the final argument to a function out of the parentheses when it’s a closure

With Swift 5.3 it extends trailing closure syntax to allow additional labeled closures to follow the initial unlabeled closure.

  • The first trailing closure drops its argument label (like today).
  • Subsequent trailing closures require argument labels.

Multi Pattern Catch Clauses

Earlier multiple error handling in do-catch statements required us to use eitherswitchstatement or if-else conditions in a single catch clause in order to handle various error cases or multiple catch statements. With Swift 5.3 we can handle multiple error cases in one catch block as a comma-separated list, the catch statements now have full power of Switch cases.

Support of a multi-pattern catch clause allows much more clearer and concise code.

Synthesized Comparable conformance for enum types

Enumeration types which opt-in to a synthesized Comparable conformance would compare according to case declaration order, with later cases comparing greater than earlier cases. Only enum types with no associated values and enum types with only Comparableassociated values would be eligible for synthesized conformances

  • No enum types with raw values would qualify.
  • A conformance will not be synthesized if a type is ineligible or already provides an explicit < implementation.

Enum cases as protocol witnesses

Swift 5.3 lifted the existing restriction, which is that enum cases cannot participate in protocol witness matching.

The compiler allows a static protocol requirement to be witnessed by an enum case, under the following rules:

  • A static, get-only protocol requirement having an enum type or Self type can be witnessed by an enum case with no associated values.
  • A static function requirement with arguments and returning an enum type or Self type can be witnessed by an enum case with associated values having the same argument list as the function's.

Refine didSet Semantics

Swift 5.3 Introduces two changes to didSet semantics -

  1. If a didSet observer does not reference the oldValue in its body, then the call to fetch the oldValue will be skipped. We refer to this as a "simple" didSet.
  2. If we have a “simple” didSet and no willSet, then we could allow modifications to happen in-place.

The property’s getter is no longer called if we do not refer to the oldValue inside the body of the didSet.

This applies to a didSet on an overridden property as well - the call to the superclass getter will be skipped if the oldValue is not referenced in the body of the overridden property's didSet.

Increase availability of implicit self in @escaping closures when reference cycles are unlikely to occur

In order to prevent users from inadvertently creating retain cycles, the Swift compiler today requires all uses of self in escaping closures to be explicit. Attempting to reference a member x of self without the self keyword gives the error:

error: reference to property 'x' in closure requires explicit 'self.' to make capture semantics explicit

Swift 5.3 allows the use of implicit self when it appears in the closure's capture list.

Second, if self is a value type, we will not require any explicit usage of self (at the call/use site or in the capture list), so that if selfwere a struct or enum then the above could be written as simply:


Add Float16 to the standard library.


